Vascular and Endovascular Surgical Anatomy Course 2022

ICLO Teaching and Research Center VERONA

11 – 12 aprile 2022


This specific vascular course aims at improving knowledge of anatomical access to the thoracic and abdominal aorta and its branches, carotid and peripheral fields including anatomic laparotomic and laparoscopic dissections and practice on fresh cadavers.

The participants under the supervision of experts vascular and endovascular surgeons will be led to perform the most common vascular surgery reconstruction and techniques.
Moreover, they will use the most part of endovascular devices thanks the presence of a last generation C-Arm and translucency tables.

The course is open to Vascular and Cardiac Surgeons from around the world who have successfully completed their surgical training or are at an advanced level of training.

The course will be held in English.

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